
“Connection is the energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard and valued;
when they can give and receive without judgment.”

~ Brené Brown

Apply to Spring 2025 Program


Today’s agile organizations need leaders to be more than strategic, visionary and bold – they need leaders who can create environments that foster collective wisdom, innovation, belonging and connection. In short, leaders who can bring out the best in others, collectively and individually, by becoming coaches for all colleagues.

While coaching includes skills such as listening, asking questions, providing and receiving feedback, the core capacity underlying these skills is the capacity for Coaching Presence – a way of being that enables the coach to facilitate positive change and transformation.

Leaders with Coaching Presence become co-creators of generative coaching conversations that empower and inspire others to see themselves and the world around them in clearer ways. They create cultures of trust and psychological safety where courage and vulnerability is possible, where real conversations that lead to agility, wholeness, and fresh thinking can take place.

What Is Coaching Presence

the Human Condition

Explore how the three Centers of Intelligence effect the experience of self and how they can be used to support powerful coaching.

Recognize the shadow dynamics and blind spots that are revealed through the Enneagram.

Become attuned to unconscious factors that support and hinder change.

Understand Yourself and
Your Role as the Coach

Discover new dimensions of presence and explore how it supports you as coach.

Experience how one’s internal state can impact the progress of a coaching conversation.

Actively engage in your continuing psychological and spiritual development.

the Change Process

Practice creating a container that supports intimate coaching conversations.

Gain experience working with a counter-intuitive change process that produces powerful results.

Program Objectives

The overarching objective of this five-day program is to help leaders develop their Coaching Presence. Achieving this end involves the development and embodiment of an objective, radically honest, and deeply compassionate sense of self. During your program experience you will:

  • Gain deeper self-awareness to see yourself and the world around you more clearly and objectively.
  • Develop Deep Listening skills by activating and balancing your three centers of intelligence – an open heart, clear mind, and contact with your somatic sense.
  • Learn the elements of creating and holding a safe container that fosters the trust needed for courageous dialogue and transformative conversations.
  • Learn and practice DCI’s Star Model that leverages a counterintuitve approach to personal and professional change.
  • Begin awakening your capacity to hold paradox and see with a nondual mindset.

Program Structure

Leader as Coach is a highly experiential program of personal excavation and application of Coaching Presence. The teaching cycles follow a rhythm of: new material presented and discussed, followed by small or large group breakouts for demonstrations, coaching practice and feedback.

  • The program includes two coaching sessions: one pre-program, the other post-program.
  • Approved for 28 CCE Units thru ICF.

Spring 2025 Offering Dates, Location and Price

Dates: June 16-20, 2025 [Starts with dinner on 6/16 and ends with lunch on 6/20]

Location: Lodge at Marconi, Marshall, CA

Price: $8750 (includes tuition, single occupancy housing, all meals, materials and two coaching sessions – one before and one after the program)

Limited to 12 participants

Apply to Spring 2025 Program

Retreat Facilitator

To learn more about this program please contact:

Jim DiFalco:  jim.difalco@deepcoachinginstitute.com; +1-415-215-9415, or
Ipek Serifsoy:  ipek@isconsultingco.com; +1-415-305-9184


This Leader as Coach program is a collaboration between Women’s Leadership Circles and Deep Coaching Institute.

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