Deep Coaching Institute – Executive Coach Training
The Deep Coaching Institute (DCI) was founded in 2007 by celebrated author and human development thought leader Roxanne Howe-Murphy. Roxanne’s ideas resonated with her reading audience who wanted Roxanne to take them deeper into themselves so they could go deeper with their clients. DCI has organically grown into a rich community of faculty, mentors, graduates and students spanning globally across the US, Canada, Great Britain, Europe, South Africa, Korea, Australia, Ecuador and many other geographies.
Students come to our approved coach training programs seeking more expansive states of being, thinking and acting, and find much more through our Enneagram-Based approach to the Practice of Presence. Our highly experiential programs enable transformation and change by fostering a state of enhanced engagement with ourselves and the world around us. As they work with us, students gain a direct experience of reality, free from their stories, fears, habitual patterns, emotional reactions, and other constrictions that bias their experiences. All of our coach training programs and courses benefit aspiring coaches, experienced executive and life coaches, organization development professionals, therapists, spiritual directors and other growth-oriented professionals.
Enneagram and Presence
We use an Enneagram-Based approach to the Practice of Presence to promote more expansive states of being, thinking and acting.

Small Class Sizes Create a Rich Learning Experience
Groups are made up of small cohorts of participants. The support and special friendships that are formed through the DCI community is very unique and special.
Why is Presence Important to Our Coach Training Work?
Presence is experiencing the fullness of what is happening in the moment. Our students enhance their access to presence by gaining insights from the Three Centers of Intelligence: the groundedness of the Instinctive Center; the open-heartedness of the Feeling Center; and the clear-headedness of the Thinking Center. Working with these Centers – learning their languages and acquiring new practices to deepen our contact with them – provides a fast and powerful way to build presence. When fully present students are feeling, thinking and being in their bodies and experiencing reality as it unfolds moment by moment.
How do Students Experience the Enneagram With DCI?
The Enneagram provides a powerful framework for accelerating self-knowledge, for releasing human suffering; for living life with more awareness, flexibility and effectiveness; and for experiencing the expansiveness and liberation of our spirit. It offers visibility into tendencies that often unconsciously drive us and color our experience of reality. We use the Enneagram to help students see and detach from their subtle but powerful personality tendencies. As they learn to attune to their internal experience they begin the journey from constriction to expansion and unhinging from tendencies that may be familiar and comfortable, but hold us back from engaging with our ‘best self’. With the help of the Enneagram we help students unveil the deeper truth, power, compassion and fulfillment that is our birthright. Through the Enneagram, we discover that we have always held the key to that which we have been seeking. Through the Enneagram, we can come Home to ourselves, and bring our clients into deeper contact with their Essential Gifts and Eternal Nature.
Accreditations for
Growth Development Programs
Growth-oriented professionals take DCI courses for accreditation from International Coach Federation (ICF) and International Enneagram Association (IEA). Our Deep Coaching Certification program (DCC) is an ICF approved coach training program with 100 hours of approved coach-specific core training hours (ACSTH). Students can submit their training hours, coaching hours, mentor coaching hours, and recorded coaching sessions with their ICF applications. Training hours can also count toward ICF Continuing Coach Education Units (CCE Units) for renewals. Separately, as the first Accredited Enneagram School through the International Enneagram Association (IEA), Deep Coaching Certification course hours count toward individual IEA accreditation tiers.
Learning Community
DCI fosters a deeply cohesive and supportive learning community. This community is a natural outgrowth of our shared DCI experience, our shared values of compassion toward self and others, living an awakened life, and having a commitment to our collective mission of “being a force for positive change, one practitioner at a time.” Ongoing online gatherings, master level courses and professional development groups, as well as informal gatherings and cross-pollination through referrals, promote a deep sense of belonging within the graduate community. As many grads express it, “I have found my people in the DCI community”.