Deep Coaching Certification Program®

Spring 2025 Enrollment Is OPEN –

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FREE Information Call with Faculty – September 11, 2024

Discover more about DCI and the Deep Coaching Certification program (DCC) and hear about the rich benefits of the program from faculty who teach it and from students of recent cohorts. You will have ample opportunities for Q&A. Register for our next call below.

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Below are the four courses that make up the Deep Coaching Certification Program (click course name for information):

Human Development Professionals, and those interested in the Coaching profession, who are seeking to expand their capacity for connection with themselves and their clients come to DCI for our ten-month Deep Coaching Certification Program (DCC). Through this ICF Approved coach training program, we provide the container that enables professionals to build their capacity for the eminently practical and profound nature of presence using the ancient wisdom of the Enneagram.

The DCC is broken into four courses with each course building on the next. Through two live retreats, a summer-long virtual course and five months of supervised fieldwork students build a foundational understanding of presence as a basis for a compassion-filled, truth-based change process. The Enneagram, and its myriad uses, enables students to lift the veil of their personalities revealing their authentic nature, and helping them walk away with deeper intelligence. This internal transformational work enriches students to do transformational work with their clients. Weekly contact with, and frequent availability of faculty, mentors and colleagues throughout the program fosters profound shifts, both personally and professionally. Please scroll down and imagine yourself enrolled in the DCC coach training journey.

Building Coaching Presence Retreat (BCP)

What does it mean to experience and be a catalyst for sustainable change?

The BCP is the first step of your journey with your cohort and DCI. The site of this transformative in-person* experience is the beautiful Westerbeke Ranch in Sonoma, CA. By participating in the BCP you will gain a basic grounding in DCI’s Enneagram-Based approach to the practice of presence. You will also be introduced to our coach training principles and our coaching methodology. Integrated into the retreat is a process for self-assessment that will lay the groundwork for your own inner work and development, that will continue throughout the program.

When you participate in the BCP, you will receive a whole lot of love. You will play the role of teacher and learner, coach and coachee, witness and inquirer. Our learning circle approach includes brief didactic presentations, demonstrations, practice, and feedback. You will engage in personal inquiry, and in facilitated large and small group discussions.

*The retreat starts with dinner on the first day and ends with lunch on the last day.

the Human Condition

Explore how the Centers of Intelligence affect the experience of self and how they can be used to support powerful coaching; Recognize the shadow dynamics that are revealed through the Enneagram; Become more attuned to the factors and influences that shape individual levels of constriction and flexibility in responding to the change process.

Understand Yourself and
Your Role as the Coach

Discover new dimensions of presence and explore how it supports you as coach; Experience how one’s internal state can impact the progress of a coaching conversation; Actively engage in your continuing psychological and spiritual development.

the Change Process

Gain experience in self-exploration through the lens of the three Centers of Intelligence; Practice creating a container that supports intimate coaching conversations.

The Enneagram and Coaching Presence Course (Part One)

The second step of the DCC journey is the The Enneagram and Coaching Presence Course (Part One) virtual course. Through live coaching demonstrations, panel discussions by Enneagram Type and facilitated group discussions we explore the dynamic nature, experience and presence of each of the nine spheres of consciousness by working with the Enneagram. This exploration will deepen your own presence, increase your ability to recognize internal dynamics more objectively and expand compassion as a root of true change. Each session is two hours long and recorded for later review.

the Human Condition

Orient yourself to higher gifts specific to each Enneagram Type and apply the Triangle of Identity to quickly recognize each Type’s core issues; Recognize True nature and learn how to awaken the individual to discover what is beyond their Patterns of Identity (and limitations). Understand the relationship between the essential nature and the personality for each sphere of consciousness; Develop understanding of the specific “pre-awareness internal landscape” that leads to each person’s inner experience; Attune to three distinct energetic styles distinguished through the Social Style groupings.

Understand Yourself and
Your Role as the Coach

You will ‘Try on’ each of these 9 spheres of consciousness to deepen your understanding and compassion and develop a broader experience of yourself; Begin to make more sense of your own experiences with others; Practice presence as a learner, as a coach, as a coachee, and as a witness; Discover your personal inner experience of, and relationship to, each of these primary patterns; Actively engage in your own psychological and spiritual development. Prepare for remarkable self-inquiry and growth.

the Change Process

You will practice creating a container that supports intimate coaching conversations and allow you to meet the client where he or she is. Becoming sensitive to the invisible dynamics of type and their visible manifestations will allow you to explore coaching from the perspective of the nine ‘world views’ and the nine different paths of growth and change. You will tap into the emotional, mental and somatic reality of each type within yourself and grow in your capacity for working with diverse clients.

The Enneagram and Coaching Presence Course (Part Two)

By now you are recognizing the myriad of possibilities for using the Enneagram with your clients. The Enneagram and Coaching Presence Course (Part Two) prepares you for clients who want to learn about and use the Enneagram for their personal development. Supporting the typing process also advances your ability to further integrate and apply your knowledge, extend your understanding, practice new tools, and gain new insights. In essence, this typing journey calls for a personalized dialogue of discovery. Each session is formatted for engaged learning and inquiry and will incorporate some of the following elements: lecture, break-out sessions, group inquiry, debrief, student presentation, and feedback.

the Human Condition

Learn and use multiple approaches to typing . Discover how various aspects of the personality structure (such as core motivations and the dynamism of structure) show up in the typing process; Distinguish between ‘look alike’ Types.

Understand Yourself and
Your Role as the Coach

Expanding your presence-based skills of deep listening and expanded curiosity will sensitize you to the impact of your Type on the typing process which will help you develop your own approach to typing and assessment.

the Change Process

You will experience the dynamics of personalized typing conversations by listening deeply, observing verbal, energetic and other nonverbal cues closely, and ask clarifying questions using the dynamic lens of the Enneagram.

Integrating Coaching Presence Retreat

Having completed the Building Coaching Presence Retreat, the Human Conditions and Enneagram Typing virtual courses and begun Fieldwork with clients, we gather for a second in-person retreat to integrate all you have been learning about the Enneagram, the process of inquiry, and DCI’s Star Model for activating and building Presence in the coaching relationship. With a focus on application, this multi-day retreat*, at Rainbow Lodge Retreat Center in the spiritually-rich mountains of Washington State, exploits the various dynamics and nuances contained in the coaching relationship. You will deepen your awareness of how your type structure affects your coaching style and orientation, as your strengths and growth edges become more apparent.

*The retreat starts with dinner on the first day and ends with breakfast on the last day.

You will explore how the Arrows (lines) that connect each Enneagram Type to two other Types offer further insight into a client’s experience. The Stress Point and Point of Integration for all nine types will be practiced enabling you to harness this natural process to support clients’ ongoing transformation. Enhancing your practice of presence through learning, inquiring, teaching and coaching, you will discover how to call upon Enneagram knowledge when it is needed, and how to let it fall into the background when it is not.

Like the BCP retreat, we will integrate didactic learning, demonstrations, and extensive coaching practice based on the Deep Coaching and the STAR Presence models. Again, our emphasis is on direct experience and we weave into coaching practice sessions many opportunities to integrate and practice what has been learned so that application of our methodology becomes fluid, graceful and elegantly effective for our clients.

the Human Condition

Learn the dynamic role of the Stress and Integration Points within the human experience and for each of the dominant Enneagram types; Discern the dynamic movement of clients as they function from one of the arrows.

Understand Yourself and
Your Role as the Coach

Explore how the structure of your type interacts with the varying Enneagram type-structures; Gain clarity on how to integrate the Enneagram into your work to reflect personal and professional authenticity; Develop self-awareness of how the stress and Integration points are experienced and refine skills for using this dynamism to support your development and the development of your clients.

the Change Process

Notice the impact of presence and become increasingly skilled in using the Five Step Methodology as a process for transformative change; Recognize the elements of coaching that interrupt and support your clients in coming closer to their true nature; Incorporate awareness of the levels of health in coaching practice; Deepen appreciation for and practice integrating the Deep Coaching methodology to harness the dynamic movement of the arrows to support client transformation.

Supervised Fieldwork and Case Studies

The DCC Fieldwork and Case Studies five-month course provides the container for you to apply the gifts you have acquired in the program to-date. You will choose and coach clients, and receive on-going feedback to help fine-tune your coaching approach and execution. As part of the learning, you and your cohort will gather in small virtual groups to discuss experiences, ask questions, share insights, give and receive feedback, gain clarity and continue growing and refining awareness and skills. The culmination of your work is two case studies that you submit to faculty for feedback and final approval. Past students have said the organization of the fieldwork course helped pull together all of their DCC learnings. They appreciated the insights gained from faculty and their cohort peers to work through issues that arise with clients.

the Human Condition

Develop competency in using the Deep Coaching Methodology with clients.

Understand Yourself and
Your Role as the Coach

Complete 12 hours of coaching each with two clients. In a safe learning environment, practice, explore and get support and feedback on your coaching.

the Change Process

Receive faculty and peer feedback and support regarding individual learning objectives. Establish close working relationships with other students as a community of colleagues.

Language Used in the Program: English
Enneagram Experience

If you are called to the Deep Coaching Certification Program, you will have a richer experience if you have the following foundation by the time your program starts:

  • That you have had basic instruction in the Enneagram and you have a sense of your own Enneagram type.
  • That your work experience has helped prepare you personally and/or professionally to be in a program that will enhance your ability to coach others.
  • That you have read one of Roxanne Howe-Murphy’s books, Deep Coaching or Deep Living, to get a sense of our approach to coaching.
Coaching Recommendation While Engaged in the Program

As with any human development program, students gain not only from learning about our coaching methodology, but also by being coached by someone trained in our methodology. A minimum of 10 hours of individual coaching, with an approved Deep Coaching Certified (DC) coach, is recommended during the course of the program. You will pay for your coaching directly to the coach you choose. This coaching is an additional charge and is not covered by your tuition. Approved coaches have agreed to charge a maximum of $150 per hour. Details on how to choose a coach will be shared early in the program. Please send an email to if you have any questions.

ICF Requirement for ACC Accreditation

ICF Requirement for ACC Accreditation
Students Receive Upon Completion of the Deep Coaching Certification Program

At least 60 hours of coach-specific training through a Level One or Level Two program

100 hours of coach-specific training through a Level One program

10 hours of Mentor Coaching over a minimum of three months to be documented on your online application. Minimum of three hours of 1:1 Mentor Coaching. Balance can be group Mentor Coaching.

10 hours of Mentor Coaching over a minimum of five months. At least three hours are 1:1 and at least seven hours are group Mentor Coaching. You receive your Mentor Coaching from an ACC Accredited Faculty member during the Supervised Fieldwork course.

A minimum of 100 hours (70 paid) of coaching experience with at least eight clients following the start of your coach-specific training. At least 25 of these hours must occur within the 24 months prior to submitting the application for the credential.

24 hours of paid coaching experience with two clients which started after the Deep Coaching Certification program started.

Performance evaluation (audio recording and written transcript of a coach session to be uploaded with your application).

We will train you how to record a coaching session and create a transcript. You could choose to submit one of the case studies you submit for DCC certification, or you could create a new audio recording and written transcript using a future coaching session. Below is a link to the ICF guidelines on ACC performance evaluations:

Completion of the Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA).

This is an assessment you take after you start your credential application through ICF. It is not part of any training program.

Click here to view a video from ICF on the Importance of Training Program Accreditation.

DCC graduates talking about how the program changed their lives:

Read what our community is saying:

This program combines a deep compassion for the human experience with tools and practices to alleviate the suffering of our clients. In the safe, loving container created by the instructors, I found that my own healing took place while my skills and confidence grew. Simply life changing.
Lauren Streb
Deep sustainable change. That’s what I was looking for when I discovered the Deep Coaching program. It was an added bonus for me that this program specialized in the Enneagram as it was one of the tools that had already changed my life. The Deep Coaching program not only enhanced my skills as a coach but it taught me how to truly be intimate with myself, and with others.
Susana Fiona
Though previously aware of the Enneagram and presence-based work, the DCI experience markedly increased my access to the innate, dynamic wisdom of the three centers of intelligence – head, heart, belly. My capacity for presence and thus realization of my heart’s longing for inner experience of full, abundant life has been greatly enhanced. This embodied awareness and understanding significantly empowers me in my coaching work.
Samuel Schindler
This program paced my voracious hunger for Enneagram knowledge so that I could go deep, moving beyond ``information fascination`` to personal transformation. I feel like DCI's invitation to presence has changed my relationship to myself, to others, and to my work.
Julie Van Til Coach & Pastor

Information Call With Faculty

DCI faculty and graduates host a regular call for individuals interested in learning more about DCI and the Deep Coaching Certification program (DCC). These calls are designed to let you hear about the rich benefits of the DCC program from faculty who teach it, and from students of recent cohorts. You will have ample opportunities to ask questions. Please click the link below to register for our next call.

Please click the link below to register for our next call:

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