Suzanne Dion | Enneagram Teacher and Coach, Speaker and Author
Suzanne is a self-awareness educator for personal and relational well-being, and self-recovery. A deeply committed proponent of the Enneagram system for personal and professional development, Suzanne completed the teacher certification process with the Palmer-Daniels Enneagram Professional Training School, now called The Narrative Enneagram (TNE), in 2008. One of her driving aims continues to be to increase the self-awareness and developmental well-being of women—particularly of mothers. It’s Suzanne’s strong conviction that the mental health of society is gravely dependent on the mental health, sense of security, and emotional stability of women, especially as they find themselves on the frontline of raising, nurturing, and developing children—our society’s future contributors, parents, innovators, and leaders.
Suzanne has also been an advocate of bringing self-awareness Enneagram-focused training—as an original founding board member and teacher of the Enneagram Prison Project (EPP)—to the marginalized, particularly those currently and formerly incarcerated. Suzanne worked intensely with both male and female inmates—minimum to maximum security—at institutions such as San Quentin State Prison, San Mateo County Maguire Correctional Facility, Santa Clara County’s Main Jail, and Elmwood Correctional Facility.
Suzanne is devoted to the application of the Enneagram system in order to bring a full and more integrated sovereign self—and a more healthfully vulnerable self—to ourselves and hence, our relationships. She is also experienced and passionately well versed in the destructive issues and resulting complex traumas associated with pathological relational dynamics.
Suzanne is co-author of the book, The Enneagram, Relationships and Intimacy: Understanding One Another Leads to Loving Better and Living More Fully with her mentor David Daniels, M.D., which marries the wisdom of the Enneagram and David Daniels’ years of experience with Dr. Dan Siegel’s mindful awareness, attachment research, and interpersonal neurobiology. Her focus, as she carries David’s compassionate approach forward, is the bettering of human relationships through intrapersonal healing first, followed by the development of cognitive-emotional-somatic capacity, emotional literacy, defense system recognition and relaxation, and deepening intimacy—with both self and other.
Now a teacher, transformational coach, and educator of the Enneagram system for personal and professional development, Suzanne is an Enneagram consultant to the Deep Coaching Institute, creative director for Marion Gilbert’s new and forming Somatic Enneagram™ training school, and one of the founders of the newly formed T.A.P.P., The Attuned Parent Program—“Parenting to Heal the World,” established in 2024.
Location: NY | CA, USA